Mobile Accessibility

MobA11y is looking to partner with organizations seeking to build native mobile applications that have best in class accessibility support and working together to figure out what that means.

MobA11y Logo - A robotic hand holding a mobile device.

Mobile Accessibility Consulting Services

MobA11y is looking to partner with organizations seeking to build beautiful and accessible mobile application experiences. We are uniquely equipped to understand all aspects of Native Mobile Accessibility including design, development, and assistive technology testing.

At MobA11y our goal is to guide you to the place where design and code intent align so that your applications work on all Android and iOS versions for all users the platform is designed to support without hurting your maintenance budget!

Much of initial accessibility learning focuses on the importance of using the correct control for the correct purpose. As your teams learn about accessibility they will find that coding accessibly and coding correctly are one in the same. When teams master communicating about this concept they develop better applications faster.

Set up a conversation. All the advice you can get in a half hour is free. :)