About MobA11y

A place to come to learn how to do Mobile Accessibility in a way that will delight your customers and your maintenance budget. We also work on some pretty cool Ai projects!

MobA11y Logo - A robotic hand holding a mobile device.

MobA11y stands for Mobile Accessibility. MobA11y is a company started by Chris McMeeking. Chris started out in Mobile Accessibility working on Ask Interfaces, a technology that would work its way onto the Android and iOS platforms in the form of Switch Control and Switch Access.

Throughout his experience working with major accessibility companies Chris witnessed the culture of WCAG centric accessibility advice frequently damage progress for the people WCAG tries to serve. This is particularly true in Native Mobile environments where a lack of deep platform knowledge can lead you to making your applications less accessible in the pursuit of WCAG compliance.

Enter MobA11y. MobA11y has three main purposes:

  1. To share accurate information about accessibility on native mobile platforms.
  2. To be a place where experts can gather and agree on things.
  3. Coming Soon: A demonstration of HAi1Y's next generation personal assistant platform, which will be provided at that cost of maintenance for those working in the field of Accessibility.

Information published on this site will always be free.

Join MobA11y - Slack Channel

MobA11y is free to join. Including our Slack Channel, though it is by invitation only. Finding a member is easy and if we know you you are welcome to ask for an invitation! It is a place to come and have open discussions about Mobile Accessibility best practices that reference WCAG motivations more than its Success Criteria.

Join MobA11y - Blog

If you are interested in publishing content on MobA11y.com you are also welcome to. For those hoping to expand their resume or generate opportunities for personal consulting it's a easy way to expand your own personal brand and let companies know you have skills that stand out above your average Trusted Tester.

About Us

Chris McMeeking

Chris has been in the Mobile Accessibility Field for 15 years including contributions to WCAG 2.1 and $100,000 from Intel Innovators for tech that would find its way onto both iOS and Android devices!

Kate Brock

Hi, I'm Kate! I'm a dedicated mobile accessibility expert, empathetic leader committed to inclusive, user-friendly experiences, with a strong background in WCAG testing and web accessibility.